It is a privilege to have a haircut by an expert. It is a rare opportunity to have it done for free. I had that privileged last night.
I've been a hair model several times, as favours, for exam purposes. However, being a hair model for a demonstration is another matter. When I finally got all my financial statements out of the way at 6pm, I was glad I agreed to the haircut. "It will be a collar-length cut". I was told in layman's term by the trainee now turned trainer.
As the 20 trainees and trainers took their seats, I was careful about meeting anyone in the eye, trying to hide my awkwardness. I was a silent observer and was contented to be so. When the demonstration began, I felt more relaxed as attention was focused on the job.
Terms like 'hair density', 'hair texture', 'jumpy hairline', 'sectioning', were like new music to my ears. Given the kind of environment, I'd be an active learner who'd ask lots of questions. But I was the model, and I wasn't expected to be asking questions. It was a free lesson for me to learn how to cut my 3 year-old's hair!
The style is called The Classic Bob. It is precise without layers. There is variation of shorter fringe. On naturally straight hair, it is one of the easiest hairstyles to manage!
Here's a quick illustration to show you my final hair-cut.
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